Bladeren bron

Add feature for loading Sample from wav file and Map from directory of wavs. Change SampleMap to Map. Gix sequential mappings constructor. Add empty constructor. Fix range checking implementations so that Velocity includes 1.0.

mitchmindtree 8 jaren geleden
1 gewijzigde bestanden met toevoegingen van 352 en 22 verwijderingen
  1. 352 22

+ 352 - 22

@@ -1,23 +1,38 @@
 use pitch;
+use sample;
 use std;
 use Velocity;
+/// A type that maps frequncy and velocity ranges to audio samples.
 #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
-pub struct SampleMap<S> {
-    pairs: Vec<Pair<S>>,
+pub struct Map<F> {
+    pairs: Vec<Pair<F>>,
 /// Some slice of PCM samples that represents a single audio sample.
+/// **Note:** The `sampler` crate currently assumes that the `Audio` you give it has the same
+/// format as the parameters with which audio is requested. We are hoping to enforce this using
+/// types with some changes to the `sample` crate.
 #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
-pub struct Audio<S> {
-    data: std::sync::Arc<[S]>,
+pub struct Audio<F> {
+    pub data: std::sync::Arc<Box<[F]>>,
+/// A performable `Sample` with some base playback Hz and Velocity.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
+pub struct Sample<F> {
+    pub base_hz: pitch::Hz,
+    pub base_vel: Velocity,
+    pub audio: Audio<F>,
 /// A range paired with a specific sample.
 #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
-struct Pair<S> {
+struct Pair<F> {
     range: HzVelRange,
-    audio: Audio<S>,
+    sample: Sample<F>,
 /// A 2-dimensional space, represented as a frequency range and a velocity range.
@@ -34,43 +49,358 @@ pub struct Range<T> {
     max: T,
-impl<T> Range<T> {
-    /// Is the given `T` greater than or equal to the `min` and smaller than the `max`.
-    pub fn is_over(&self, t: T) -> bool
-        where T: PartialOrd,
+impl Range<pitch::Hz> {
+    /// Is the given hz greater than or equal to the `min` and smaller than the `max`.
+    pub fn is_over(&self, hz: pitch::Hz) -> bool {
+        self.min <= hz && hz < self.max
+    }
+impl Range<Velocity> {
+    /// Is the given velocity greater than or equal to the `min` and smaller than the `max`.
+    pub fn is_over(&self, vel: Velocity) -> bool {
+        self.min <= vel && vel <= self.max
+    }
+impl<F> Audio<F> {
+    /// Constructor for a new `Audio`.
+    pub fn new<I>(samples: I) -> Self
+        where I: Into<std::sync::Arc<Box<[F]>>>,
-        self.min <= t && t < self.max
+        Audio { data: samples.into() }
+    }
+impl<F> Sample<F> {
+    /// Constructor for a new `Sample` with the given base Hz and Velocity.
+    pub fn new(base_hz: pitch::Hz, base_vel: Velocity, audio: Audio<F>) -> Self {
+        Sample {
+            base_hz: base_hz,
+            base_vel: base_vel,
+            audio: audio,
+        }
-impl<S> SampleMap<S> {
+impl<F> Map<F>
+    where F: sample::Frame,
-    /// Construct a `SampleMap` from a series of mappings, starting from (-C2, 1.0).
+    /// Construct an empty `Map`.
+    pub fn empty() -> Self {
+        Map { pairs: vec![] }
+    }
+    /// Construct a `Map` from a series of mappings, starting from (-C2, 1.0).
     pub fn from_sequential_mappings<I>(mappings: I) -> Self
-        where I: IntoIterator<Item=(pitch::Hz, Velocity, Audio<S>)>,
+        where I: IntoIterator<Item=(pitch::Hz, Velocity, Sample<F>)>,
-        let (mut last_hz, mut last_vel) = (pitch::Step(0.0).to_hz(), 1.0);
-        let pairs = mappings.into_iter().map(|(hz, vel, audio)| {
+        const MIN_HZ: pitch::Hz = pitch::Hz(0.0);
+        let (mut last_hz, mut last_vel) = (MIN_HZ, 1.0);
+        let pairs = mappings.into_iter().map(|(hz, vel, sample)| {
             let range = HzVelRange {
                 hz: Range { min: last_hz, max: hz },
                 vel: Range { min: last_vel, max: vel },
             last_hz = hz;
             last_vel = vel;
-            Pair { range: range, audio: audio }
+            Pair { range: range, sample: sample }
-        SampleMap { pairs: pairs }
+        Map { pairs: pairs }
-    /// Inserts a range -> audio mapping into the SampleMap.
-    pub fn insert(&mut self, range: HzVelRange, audio: Audio<S>) {
+    /// Creates a `Map` with a single sample mapped to the entire Hz and Velocity range.
+    pub fn from_single_sample(sample: Sample<F>) -> Self {
+        let range = HzVelRange {
+            hz: Range { min: pitch::Hz(0.0), max: pitch::Hz(std::f32::MAX) },
+            vel: Range { min: 0.0, max: 1.0 },
+        };
+        let pairs = vec![Pair { range: range, sample: sample }];
+        Map { pairs: pairs }
+    }
+    /// Inserts a range -> audio mapping into the Map.
+    pub fn insert(&mut self, range: HzVelRange, sample: Sample<F>) {
         for i in 0..self.pairs.len() {
             if self.pairs[i].range > range {
-                self.pairs.insert(i, Pair { range: range, audio: audio });
+                self.pairs.insert(i, Pair { range: range, sample: sample });
-        self.pairs.push(Pair { range: range, audio: audio });
+        self.pairs.push(Pair { range: range, sample: sample });
+    }
+    /// Returns the `Audio` associated with the range within which the given hz and velocity exist.
+    ///
+    /// TODO: This would probably be quicker with some sort of specialised RangeMap.
+    pub fn sample(&self, hz: pitch::Hz, vel: Velocity) -> Option<Sample<F>>
+        where F: Clone,
+    {
+        for &Pair { ref range, ref sample } in &self.pairs {
+            if range.hz.is_over(hz) && range.vel.is_over(vel) {
+                return Some(sample.clone());
+            }
+        }
+        None
+    }
+mod wav {
+    use hound;
+    use map;
+    use pitch;
+    use sample;
+    use std;
+    impl<F> map::Sample<F>
+        where F: sample::Frame,
+              F::Sample: sample::Duplex<f64> + hound::Sample,
+              Box<[F::Sample]>: sample::ToBoxedFrameSlice<F>,
+    {
+        /// Loads a `Sample` from the `.wav` file at the given `path`.
+        ///
+        /// If the `.wav` file has a musical note in the file name, that note's playback frequency in
+        /// `hz` will be used as the `base_hz`.
+        ///
+        /// If a musical note cannot be determined automatically, a default `C1` will be used.
+        ///
+        /// The PCM data retrieved from the file will be re-sampled upon loading (rather than at
+        /// playback) to the given target sample rate for efficiency.
+        pub fn from_wav_file<P>(path: P, target_sample_hz: f64) -> Result<Self, hound::Error>
+            where P: AsRef<std::path::Path>,
+        {
+            use sample::Signal;
+            let path = path.as_ref();
+            let mut wav_reader = try!(hound::WavReader::open(path));
+            const DEFAULT_LETTER_OCTAVE: pitch::LetterOctave = pitch::LetterOctave(pitch::Letter::C, 1);
+            let base_letter_octave = read_base_letter_octave(path).unwrap_or(DEFAULT_LETTER_OCTAVE);
+            let base_hz = base_letter_octave.to_hz();
+            let base_vel = 1.0;
+            let audio = {
+                let spec = wav_reader.spec();
+                // TODO: Return an error instead of panic!ing! OR do some sort of frame /
+                // channel layout conversion.
+                assert!(spec.channels as usize == F::n_channels(),
+                        "The number of channels in the audio file differs from the number of \
+                        channels in the frame");
+                // Collect the samples in a loop so that we may handle any errors if necessary.
+                let mut samples: Vec<F::Sample> = Vec::new();
+                for sample in wav_reader.samples() {
+                    samples.push(try!(sample));
+                }
+                let boxed_samples = samples.into_boxed_slice();
+                let boxed_frames: Box<[F]> = match sample::slice::to_boxed_frame_slice(boxed_samples) {
+                    Some(slice) => slice,
+                    // TODO: Return an error instead of panic!ing! OR do some sort of frame /
+                    // channel layout conversion.
+                    None => panic!("The number of samples produced from the wav file does not \
+                                   match the number of channels ({}) in the given `Frame` type",
+                                   F::n_channels()),
+                };
+                // Convert the sample rate to our target sample rate.
+                let frames: Vec<F> = boxed_frames.iter().cloned()
+                    .from_hz_to_hz(spec.sample_rate as f64, target_sample_hz)
+                    .collect();
+                map::Audio::new(frames.into_boxed_slice())
+            };
+            Ok(map::Sample::new(base_hz, base_vel, audio))
+        }
+    }
+    impl<F> map::Map<F>
+        where F: sample::Frame,
+              F::Sample: sample::Duplex<f64> + hound::Sample,
+              Box<[F::Sample]>: sample::ToBoxedFrameSlice<F>,
+    {
+        /// Loads a `Map` from the given directory.
+        ///
+        /// All `.wav` files that can be successfully loaded will be loaded into the `Map`.
+        ///
+        /// If the `.wav` file has a musical note in the file name, that note's playback frequency in
+        /// `hz` will be used as the `base_hz`.
+        ///
+        /// For efficiency, all files will be re-sampled upon loading (rather than at playback) to the
+        /// given target sample rate.
+        pub fn from_wav_directory<P>(path: P, target_sample_hz: f64) -> Result<Self, hound::Error>
+            where P: AsRef<std::path::Path>,
+        {
+            use sample::Signal;
+            use std::cmp::Ordering;
+            let path = path.as_ref();
+            struct SampleReader {
+                base_letter_octave: Option<pitch::LetterOctave>,
+                wav_reader: hound::WavReader<std::io::BufReader<std::fs::File>>,
+            }
+            let mut sample_readers: Vec<SampleReader> = Vec::new();
+            // Find all .wav files in the given directory and store them as `SampleReader`s.
+            for entry in try!(std::fs::read_dir(path)) {
+                let file_name = try!(entry).file_name();
+                // If the entry is a wave file, add it to our list.
+                if has_wav_ext(file_name.as_ref()) {
+                    let wav_reader = try!(hound::WavReader::open(&file_name));
+                    let sample_reader = SampleReader {
+                        base_letter_octave: read_base_letter_octave(file_name.as_ref()),
+                        wav_reader: wav_reader,
+                    };
+                    sample_readers.push(sample_reader);
+                }
+            }
+            // Sort the readers by their base hz.
+            sample_readers.sort_by(|a, b| match (a.base_letter_octave, b.base_letter_octave) {
+                (Some(_), None) => Ordering::Less,
+                (None, Some(_)) => Ordering::Greater,
+                (Some(a), Some(b)) => a.cmp(&b),
+                (None, None) => Ordering::Equal,
+            });
+            const DEFAULT_LETTER_OCTAVE: pitch::LetterOctave =
+                pitch::LetterOctave(pitch::Letter::C, 1);
+            let mut maybe_last_step = None;
+            // We must imperatively collect the mappings so that we can handle any errors.
+            let mut mappings = Vec::with_capacity(sample_readers.len());
+            for SampleReader { base_letter_octave, mut wav_reader } in sample_readers {
+                let base_vel = 1.0;
+                let base_hz = match base_letter_octave {
+                    Some(letter_octave) => {
+                        maybe_last_step = Some(letter_octave.step());
+                        letter_octave.to_hz()
+                    },
+                    None => {
+                        let last_step = maybe_last_step.unwrap_or(DEFAULT_LETTER_OCTAVE.step());
+                        let step = last_step + 1.0;
+                        maybe_last_step = Some(step);
+                        pitch::Step(step).to_hz()
+                    },
+                };
+                let audio = {
+                    let spec = wav_reader.spec();
+                    // Collect the samples in a loop so that we may handle any errors if necessary.
+                    let mut samples: Vec<F::Sample> = Vec::new();
+                    for sample in wav_reader.samples() {
+                        samples.push(try!(sample));
+                    }
+                    let boxed_samples = samples.into_boxed_slice();
+                    let boxed_frames: Box<[F]> = match sample::slice::to_boxed_frame_slice(boxed_samples) {
+                        Some(slice) => slice,
+                        // TODO: Return an error instead of panic!ing! OR do some sort of frame /
+                        // channel layout conversion.
+                        None => panic!("The number of samples produced from the wav file does not \
+                                       match the number of channels ({}) in the given `Frame` type",
+                                       F::n_channels()),
+                    };
+                    // Convert the sample rate to our target sample rate.
+                    let frames: Vec<F> = boxed_frames.iter().cloned()
+                        .from_hz_to_hz(spec.sample_rate as f64, target_sample_hz)
+                        .collect();
+                    map::Audio::new(frames.into_boxed_slice())
+                };
+                let sample = map::Sample::new(base_hz, base_vel, audio);
+                // The `Hz` range that triggers this sample will span from the last sample's Hz (or
+                // the minimum if there is no last sample) to the following `to_hz` value.
+                //
+                // TODO: Investigate a nicer way of evenly spreading samples across the keyboard.
+                let to_hz = pitch::Step(base_hz.step() + 0.5).to_hz();
+                let to_vel = base_vel;
+                mappings.push((to_hz, to_vel, sample));
+            }
+            Ok(Self::from_sequential_mappings(mappings))
+        }
+    }
+    ///// Utility functions.
+    /// Determines whether the given `Path` leads to a wave file.
+    fn has_wav_ext(path: &std::path::Path) -> bool {
+        let ext = path.extension()
+            .and_then(|s| s.to_str())
+            .map_or("".into(), std::ascii::AsciiExt::to_ascii_lowercase);
+        match &ext[..] {
+            "wav" | "wave" => true,
+            _ => false,
+        }
+    }
+    /// Scans the given path for an indication of its pitch.
+    fn read_base_letter_octave(path: &std::path::Path) -> Option<pitch::LetterOctave> {
+        use pitch::Letter::*;
+        use std::ascii::AsciiExt;
+        let s = path.to_str().map_or("".into(), |s| s.to_ascii_lowercase());
+        // Check to see if the path contains a note for the given `letter` for any octave
+        // between -8 and 24. If so, return the `LetterOctave`.
+        let contains_letter = |letter: &str| -> Option<pitch::LetterOctave> {
+            for i in -8i8..24 {
+                let pattern = format!("{}{}", letter, i);
+                if s.contains(&pattern) {
+                    let letter = match letter {
+                        "c" => C,
+                        "c#" | "csh" => Csh,
+                        "d" => D,
+                        "d#" | "dsh" => Dsh,
+                        "e" => E,
+                        "f" => F,
+                        "f#" | "fsh" => Fsh,
+                        "g" => G,
+                        "g#" | "gsh" => Gsh,
+                        "a" => A,
+                        "a#" | "ash" => Ash,
+                        "b" => B,
+                        _ => unreachable!(),
+                    };
+                    return Some(pitch::LetterOctave(letter, i as pitch::Octave));
+                }
+            }
+            None
+        };
+        let list = [
+            "c", "c#", "csh", "d", "d#", "dsh", "e", "f", "f#", "fsh", "g", "g#", "gsh",
+            "a", "a#", "ash", "b",
+        ];
+        for letter in &list[..] {
+            if let Some(letter_octave) = contains_letter(letter) {
+                return Some(letter_octave);
+            }
+        }
+        None