@@ -1,23 +1,38 @@
use pitch;
+use sample;
use std;
use Velocity;
+/// A type that maps frequncy and velocity ranges to audio samples.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
-pub struct SampleMap<S> {
- pairs: Vec<Pair<S>>,
+pub struct Map<F> {
+ pairs: Vec<Pair<F>>,
/// Some slice of PCM samples that represents a single audio sample.
+/// **Note:** The `sampler` crate currently assumes that the `Audio` you give it has the same
+/// format as the parameters with which audio is requested. We are hoping to enforce this using
+/// types with some changes to the `sample` crate.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
-pub struct Audio<S> {
- data: std::sync::Arc<[S]>,
+pub struct Audio<F> {
+ pub data: std::sync::Arc<Box<[F]>>,
+/// A performable `Sample` with some base playback Hz and Velocity.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
+pub struct Sample<F> {
+ pub base_hz: pitch::Hz,
+ pub base_vel: Velocity,
+ pub audio: Audio<F>,
/// A range paired with a specific sample.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
-struct Pair<S> {
+struct Pair<F> {
range: HzVelRange,
- audio: Audio<S>,
+ sample: Sample<F>,
/// A 2-dimensional space, represented as a frequency range and a velocity range.
@@ -34,43 +49,358 @@ pub struct Range<T> {
max: T,
-impl<T> Range<T> {
- /// Is the given `T` greater than or equal to the `min` and smaller than the `max`.
- pub fn is_over(&self, t: T) -> bool
- where T: PartialOrd,
+impl Range<pitch::Hz> {
+ /// Is the given hz greater than or equal to the `min` and smaller than the `max`.
+ pub fn is_over(&self, hz: pitch::Hz) -> bool {
+ self.min <= hz && hz < self.max
+ }
+impl Range<Velocity> {
+ /// Is the given velocity greater than or equal to the `min` and smaller than the `max`.
+ pub fn is_over(&self, vel: Velocity) -> bool {
+ self.min <= vel && vel <= self.max
+ }
+impl<F> Audio<F> {
+ /// Constructor for a new `Audio`.
+ pub fn new<I>(samples: I) -> Self
+ where I: Into<std::sync::Arc<Box<[F]>>>,
- self.min <= t && t < self.max
+ Audio { data: samples.into() }
+ }
+impl<F> Sample<F> {
+ /// Constructor for a new `Sample` with the given base Hz and Velocity.
+ pub fn new(base_hz: pitch::Hz, base_vel: Velocity, audio: Audio<F>) -> Self {
+ Sample {
+ base_hz: base_hz,
+ base_vel: base_vel,
+ audio: audio,
+ }
-impl<S> SampleMap<S> {
+impl<F> Map<F>
+ where F: sample::Frame,
- /// Construct a `SampleMap` from a series of mappings, starting from (-C2, 1.0).
+ /// Construct an empty `Map`.
+ pub fn empty() -> Self {
+ Map { pairs: vec![] }
+ }
+ /// Construct a `Map` from a series of mappings, starting from (-C2, 1.0).
pub fn from_sequential_mappings<I>(mappings: I) -> Self
- where I: IntoIterator<Item=(pitch::Hz, Velocity, Audio<S>)>,
+ where I: IntoIterator<Item=(pitch::Hz, Velocity, Sample<F>)>,
- let (mut last_hz, mut last_vel) = (pitch::Step(0.0).to_hz(), 1.0);
- let pairs = mappings.into_iter().map(|(hz, vel, audio)| {
+ const MIN_HZ: pitch::Hz = pitch::Hz(0.0);
+ let (mut last_hz, mut last_vel) = (MIN_HZ, 1.0);
+ let pairs = mappings.into_iter().map(|(hz, vel, sample)| {
let range = HzVelRange {
hz: Range { min: last_hz, max: hz },
vel: Range { min: last_vel, max: vel },
last_hz = hz;
last_vel = vel;
- Pair { range: range, audio: audio }
+ Pair { range: range, sample: sample }
- SampleMap { pairs: pairs }
+ Map { pairs: pairs }
- /// Inserts a range -> audio mapping into the SampleMap.
- pub fn insert(&mut self, range: HzVelRange, audio: Audio<S>) {
+ /// Creates a `Map` with a single sample mapped to the entire Hz and Velocity range.
+ pub fn from_single_sample(sample: Sample<F>) -> Self {
+ let range = HzVelRange {
+ hz: Range { min: pitch::Hz(0.0), max: pitch::Hz(std::f32::MAX) },
+ vel: Range { min: 0.0, max: 1.0 },
+ };
+ let pairs = vec![Pair { range: range, sample: sample }];
+ Map { pairs: pairs }
+ }
+ /// Inserts a range -> audio mapping into the Map.
+ pub fn insert(&mut self, range: HzVelRange, sample: Sample<F>) {
for i in 0..self.pairs.len() {
if self.pairs[i].range > range {
- self.pairs.insert(i, Pair { range: range, audio: audio });
+ self.pairs.insert(i, Pair { range: range, sample: sample });
- self.pairs.push(Pair { range: range, audio: audio });
+ self.pairs.push(Pair { range: range, sample: sample });
+ }
+ /// Returns the `Audio` associated with the range within which the given hz and velocity exist.
+ ///
+ /// TODO: This would probably be quicker with some sort of specialised RangeMap.
+ pub fn sample(&self, hz: pitch::Hz, vel: Velocity) -> Option<Sample<F>>
+ where F: Clone,
+ {
+ for &Pair { ref range, ref sample } in &self.pairs {
+ if range.hz.is_over(hz) && range.vel.is_over(vel) {
+ return Some(sample.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ None
+ }
+mod wav {
+ use hound;
+ use map;
+ use pitch;
+ use sample;
+ use std;
+ impl<F> map::Sample<F>
+ where F: sample::Frame,
+ F::Sample: sample::Duplex<f64> + hound::Sample,
+ Box<[F::Sample]>: sample::ToBoxedFrameSlice<F>,
+ {
+ /// Loads a `Sample` from the `.wav` file at the given `path`.
+ ///
+ /// If the `.wav` file has a musical note in the file name, that note's playback frequency in
+ /// `hz` will be used as the `base_hz`.
+ ///
+ /// If a musical note cannot be determined automatically, a default `C1` will be used.
+ ///
+ /// The PCM data retrieved from the file will be re-sampled upon loading (rather than at
+ /// playback) to the given target sample rate for efficiency.
+ pub fn from_wav_file<P>(path: P, target_sample_hz: f64) -> Result<Self, hound::Error>
+ where P: AsRef<std::path::Path>,
+ {
+ use sample::Signal;
+ let path = path.as_ref();
+ let mut wav_reader = try!(hound::WavReader::open(path));
+ const DEFAULT_LETTER_OCTAVE: pitch::LetterOctave = pitch::LetterOctave(pitch::Letter::C, 1);
+ let base_letter_octave = read_base_letter_octave(path).unwrap_or(DEFAULT_LETTER_OCTAVE);
+ let base_hz = base_letter_octave.to_hz();
+ let base_vel = 1.0;
+ let audio = {
+ let spec = wav_reader.spec();
+ // TODO: Return an error instead of panic!ing! OR do some sort of frame /
+ // channel layout conversion.
+ assert!(spec.channels as usize == F::n_channels(),
+ "The number of channels in the audio file differs from the number of \
+ channels in the frame");
+ // Collect the samples in a loop so that we may handle any errors if necessary.
+ let mut samples: Vec<F::Sample> = Vec::new();
+ for sample in wav_reader.samples() {
+ samples.push(try!(sample));
+ }
+ let boxed_samples = samples.into_boxed_slice();
+ let boxed_frames: Box<[F]> = match sample::slice::to_boxed_frame_slice(boxed_samples) {
+ Some(slice) => slice,
+ // TODO: Return an error instead of panic!ing! OR do some sort of frame /
+ // channel layout conversion.
+ None => panic!("The number of samples produced from the wav file does not \
+ match the number of channels ({}) in the given `Frame` type",
+ F::n_channels()),
+ };
+ // Convert the sample rate to our target sample rate.
+ let frames: Vec<F> = boxed_frames.iter().cloned()
+ .from_hz_to_hz(spec.sample_rate as f64, target_sample_hz)
+ .collect();
+ map::Audio::new(frames.into_boxed_slice())
+ };
+ Ok(map::Sample::new(base_hz, base_vel, audio))
+ }
+ }
+ impl<F> map::Map<F>
+ where F: sample::Frame,
+ F::Sample: sample::Duplex<f64> + hound::Sample,
+ Box<[F::Sample]>: sample::ToBoxedFrameSlice<F>,
+ {
+ /// Loads a `Map` from the given directory.
+ ///
+ /// All `.wav` files that can be successfully loaded will be loaded into the `Map`.
+ ///
+ /// If the `.wav` file has a musical note in the file name, that note's playback frequency in
+ /// `hz` will be used as the `base_hz`.
+ ///
+ /// For efficiency, all files will be re-sampled upon loading (rather than at playback) to the
+ /// given target sample rate.
+ pub fn from_wav_directory<P>(path: P, target_sample_hz: f64) -> Result<Self, hound::Error>
+ where P: AsRef<std::path::Path>,
+ {
+ use sample::Signal;
+ use std::cmp::Ordering;
+ let path = path.as_ref();
+ struct SampleReader {
+ base_letter_octave: Option<pitch::LetterOctave>,
+ wav_reader: hound::WavReader<std::io::BufReader<std::fs::File>>,
+ }
+ let mut sample_readers: Vec<SampleReader> = Vec::new();
+ // Find all .wav files in the given directory and store them as `SampleReader`s.
+ for entry in try!(std::fs::read_dir(path)) {
+ let file_name = try!(entry).file_name();
+ // If the entry is a wave file, add it to our list.
+ if has_wav_ext(file_name.as_ref()) {
+ let wav_reader = try!(hound::WavReader::open(&file_name));
+ let sample_reader = SampleReader {
+ base_letter_octave: read_base_letter_octave(file_name.as_ref()),
+ wav_reader: wav_reader,
+ };
+ sample_readers.push(sample_reader);
+ }
+ }
+ // Sort the readers by their base hz.
+ sample_readers.sort_by(|a, b| match (a.base_letter_octave, b.base_letter_octave) {
+ (Some(_), None) => Ordering::Less,
+ (None, Some(_)) => Ordering::Greater,
+ (Some(a), Some(b)) => a.cmp(&b),
+ (None, None) => Ordering::Equal,
+ });
+ const DEFAULT_LETTER_OCTAVE: pitch::LetterOctave =
+ pitch::LetterOctave(pitch::Letter::C, 1);
+ let mut maybe_last_step = None;
+ // We must imperatively collect the mappings so that we can handle any errors.
+ let mut mappings = Vec::with_capacity(sample_readers.len());
+ for SampleReader { base_letter_octave, mut wav_reader } in sample_readers {
+ let base_vel = 1.0;
+ let base_hz = match base_letter_octave {
+ Some(letter_octave) => {
+ maybe_last_step = Some(letter_octave.step());
+ letter_octave.to_hz()
+ },
+ None => {
+ let last_step = maybe_last_step.unwrap_or(DEFAULT_LETTER_OCTAVE.step());
+ let step = last_step + 1.0;
+ maybe_last_step = Some(step);
+ pitch::Step(step).to_hz()
+ },
+ };
+ let audio = {
+ let spec = wav_reader.spec();
+ // Collect the samples in a loop so that we may handle any errors if necessary.
+ let mut samples: Vec<F::Sample> = Vec::new();
+ for sample in wav_reader.samples() {
+ samples.push(try!(sample));
+ }
+ let boxed_samples = samples.into_boxed_slice();
+ let boxed_frames: Box<[F]> = match sample::slice::to_boxed_frame_slice(boxed_samples) {
+ Some(slice) => slice,
+ // TODO: Return an error instead of panic!ing! OR do some sort of frame /
+ // channel layout conversion.
+ None => panic!("The number of samples produced from the wav file does not \
+ match the number of channels ({}) in the given `Frame` type",
+ F::n_channels()),
+ };
+ // Convert the sample rate to our target sample rate.
+ let frames: Vec<F> = boxed_frames.iter().cloned()
+ .from_hz_to_hz(spec.sample_rate as f64, target_sample_hz)
+ .collect();
+ map::Audio::new(frames.into_boxed_slice())
+ };
+ let sample = map::Sample::new(base_hz, base_vel, audio);
+ // The `Hz` range that triggers this sample will span from the last sample's Hz (or
+ // the minimum if there is no last sample) to the following `to_hz` value.
+ //
+ // TODO: Investigate a nicer way of evenly spreading samples across the keyboard.
+ let to_hz = pitch::Step(base_hz.step() + 0.5).to_hz();
+ let to_vel = base_vel;
+ mappings.push((to_hz, to_vel, sample));
+ }
+ Ok(Self::from_sequential_mappings(mappings))
+ }
+ }
+ ///// Utility functions.
+ /// Determines whether the given `Path` leads to a wave file.
+ fn has_wav_ext(path: &std::path::Path) -> bool {
+ let ext = path.extension()
+ .and_then(|s| s.to_str())
+ .map_or("".into(), std::ascii::AsciiExt::to_ascii_lowercase);
+ match &ext[..] {
+ "wav" | "wave" => true,
+ _ => false,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Scans the given path for an indication of its pitch.
+ fn read_base_letter_octave(path: &std::path::Path) -> Option<pitch::LetterOctave> {
+ use pitch::Letter::*;
+ use std::ascii::AsciiExt;
+ let s = path.to_str().map_or("".into(), |s| s.to_ascii_lowercase());
+ // Check to see if the path contains a note for the given `letter` for any octave
+ // between -8 and 24. If so, return the `LetterOctave`.
+ let contains_letter = |letter: &str| -> Option<pitch::LetterOctave> {
+ for i in -8i8..24 {
+ let pattern = format!("{}{}", letter, i);
+ if s.contains(&pattern) {
+ let letter = match letter {
+ "c" => C,
+ "c#" | "csh" => Csh,
+ "d" => D,
+ "d#" | "dsh" => Dsh,
+ "e" => E,
+ "f" => F,
+ "f#" | "fsh" => Fsh,
+ "g" => G,
+ "g#" | "gsh" => Gsh,
+ "a" => A,
+ "a#" | "ash" => Ash,
+ "b" => B,
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ };
+ return Some(pitch::LetterOctave(letter, i as pitch::Octave));
+ }
+ }
+ None
+ };
+ let list = [
+ "c", "c#", "csh", "d", "d#", "dsh", "e", "f", "f#", "fsh", "g", "g#", "gsh",
+ "a", "a#", "ash", "b",
+ ];
+ for letter in &list[..] {
+ if let Some(letter_octave) = contains_letter(letter) {
+ return Some(letter_octave);
+ }
+ }
+ None