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Implement Sampler, PlayingSample, Frames iterator, Voices stack, Playhead.

mitchmindtree 8 years ago
1 changed files with 373 additions and 15 deletions
  1. 373 15

+ 373 - 15

@@ -1,40 +1,398 @@
-use map::SampleMap;
+use instrument::{self, Instrument};
+use map::{self, Map};
 use pitch;
-use sample::Sample as PcmSample;
+use sample::{self, Frame, Sample as PcmSample};
+use time;
 use Velocity;
-use voice::Voice;
-#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
-pub struct Sampler<S> {
-    map: SampleMap<S>,
-    voices: Vec<Voice>,
+/// A Sampler instrument.
+pub struct Sampler<M, NFG, F>
+    where NFG: instrument::NoteFreqGenerator,
+          F: Frame,
+    map: Map<F>,
+    voices: Voices<F>,
+    instrument: Instrument<M, NFG>,
-impl<S> Sampler<S> {
+/// Samples that are currently active along with the `Hz` with which they were triggered.
+/// A new pair is pushed on each `note_on`, and pairs are removed on their associated `note_off`.
+/// In `Mono` mode, the sampler always fills the buffer using the last pair on the stack.
+/// In `Poly` mode, each pair is mapped directly to each of the `Instrument`'s `voices` via their
+/// `Vec` indices.
+pub struct Voices<F>
+    where F: Frame,
+    map: Vec<Option<PlayingSample<F>>>,
+/// A sample that is currently being played back.
+pub struct PlayingSample<F>
+    where F: Frame,
+    /// The pitch in hz at which the `note_on` was triggered.
+    pub note_on_hz: pitch::Hz,
+    pub note_on_vel: Velocity,
+    base_hz: pitch::Hz,
+    base_vel: Velocity,
+    /// Rate-adjustable interpolation of audio.
+    pub rate_converter: sample::rate::Converter<Playhead<F>>,
+/// An owned iterator that wraps an audio file but does not 
+pub struct Playhead<F>
+    where F: Frame,
+    /// The position of the playhead over the `Sample`.
+    pub idx: usize,
+    audio: map::Audio<F>,
+/// An iterator yielding one frame from the `Sampler` at a time.
+pub struct Frames<'a, F: 'a, NF: 'a>
+    where F: Frame,
+    voices: &'a mut Voices<F>,
+    instrument_frames: instrument::Frames<'a, NF>,
+impl<NFG, F> Sampler<instrument::mode::Mono, NFG, F>
+    where NFG: instrument::NoteFreqGenerator,
+          F: Frame,
+    /// Construct a `Sampler` with a `Mono::Legato` playback mode.
+    pub fn legato(nfg: NFG, map: Map<F>) -> Self {
+        Self::new(instrument::mode::Mono::legato(), nfg, map)
+    }
+impl<NFG, F> Sampler<instrument::mode::Mono, NFG, F>
+    where NFG: instrument::NoteFreqGenerator,
+          F: Frame,
+    /// Construct a `Sampler` with a `Mono::Retrigger` playback mode.
+    pub fn retrigger(nfg: NFG, map: Map<F>) -> Self {
+        Self::new(instrument::mode::Mono::retrigger(), nfg, map)
+    }
+impl<NFG, F> Sampler<instrument::mode::Poly, NFG, F>
+    where NFG: instrument::NoteFreqGenerator,
+          F: Frame,
+    /// Construct a `Sampler` with a `Poly` playback mode.
+    pub fn poly(nfg: NFG, map: Map<F>) -> Self {
+        Self::new(instrument::mode::Poly, nfg, map)
+    }
+impl<M, NFG, F> Sampler<M, NFG, F>
+    where NFG: instrument::NoteFreqGenerator,
+          F: Frame,
     /// Construct a new `Sampler`.
-    pub fn new(map: SampleMap<S>) -> Self {
+    pub fn new(mode: M, note_freq_gen: NFG, map: Map<F>) -> Self {
+        let instrument = Instrument::new(mode, note_freq_gen);
+        let n_voices = instrument.voices.len();
         Sampler {
             map: map,
-            voices: vec![],
+            voices: Voices { map: vec![None; n_voices] },
+            instrument: instrument,
-    /// Begin playback of a note.
+    /// Map the `Instrument` to a new `Instrument` in place.
-    /// `Sampler` will try to use a free `Voice` to do this. If no `Voice`s are free, the one
-    /// playing the oldest note will be chosen to play the new note instead.
+    /// This is useful for providing wrapper builder methods for the Synth.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn map_instrument<Map, NewM, NewNFG>(self, f: Map) -> Sampler<NewM, NewNFG, F>
+        where Map: FnOnce(Instrument<M, NFG>) -> Instrument<NewM, NewNFG>,
+              NewNFG: instrument::NoteFreqGenerator,
+    {
+        let Sampler {
+            map,
+            voices,
+            instrument,
+        } = self;
+        Sampler {
+            map: map,
+            voices: voices,
+            instrument: f(instrument),
+        }
+    }
+    /// Build the `Sampler` with the given number of voices.
+    pub fn num_voices(mut self, n: usize) -> Self {
+        self.set_num_voices(n);
+        self
+    }
+    /// Detune the `note_on` hz by the given amount.
+    pub fn detune(self, detune: f32) -> Self {
+        self.map_instrument(|inst| inst.detune(detune))
+    }
+    /// Set the attack.
+    pub fn attack<A>(self, attack: A) -> Self
+        where A: Into<time::Ms>,
+    {
+        self.map_instrument(|inst| inst.attack(attack))
+    }
+    /// Set the release.
+    pub fn release<R>(self, release: R) -> Self
+        where R: Into<time::Ms>,
+    {
+        self.map_instrument(|inst| inst.release(release))
+    }
+    /// Set the number of voices to use for 
+    pub fn set_num_voices(&mut self, n: usize) {
+        self.instrument.set_num_voices(n);
+, None);
+    }
+    /// Begin playback of a note.
     pub fn note_on<T>(&mut self, note_hz: T, note_vel: Velocity)
-        where T: Into<pitch::Hz>
+        where M: instrument::Mode + super::Mode,
+              T: Into<pitch::Hz>
+        let Sampler { ref mut instrument, ref mut voices, ref map, .. } = *self;
+        let hz = note_hz.into();
+        instrument.note_on(hz, note_vel);
+        super::Mode::note_on(&mut instrument.mode, hz, note_vel, map, &mut;
     /// Stop playback of the note that was triggered with the matching frequency.
     pub fn note_off<T>(&mut self, note_hz: T)
-        where T: Into<pitch::Hz>
+        where M: instrument::Mode + super::Mode,
+              T: Into<pitch::Hz>
+    {
+        let Sampler { ref mut instrument, ref mut voices, ref map, .. } = *self;
+        let hz = note_hz.into();
+        instrument.note_off(hz);
+        super::Mode::note_off(&mut instrument.mode, hz, map, &mut;
+    }
+    /// Produces an iterator that yields `Frame`s of audio data.
+    pub fn frames(&mut self, sample_hz: f64) -> Frames<F, NFG::NoteFreq>
+        where F: Frame,
+              F::Sample: sample::Duplex<f64>,
+              <F::Sample as PcmSample>::Float: sample::FromSample<f32>,
+    {
+        Frames {
+            voices: &mut self.voices,
+            instrument_frames: self.instrument.frames(sample_hz),
+        }
+    }
+    /// Returns whether or not the `Sampler` is currently playing any notes.
+    pub fn is_active(&self) -> bool {
+        for voice in & {
+            if voice.is_some() {
+                return true;
+            }
+        }
+        false
+    }
+    /// Fills the given slice of frames with the `Sampler::frames` iterator.
+    pub fn fill_slice(&mut self, output: &mut [F], sample_hz: f64)
+        where F: Frame,
+              F::Sample: sample::Duplex<f64>,
+              <F::Sample as PcmSample>::Float: sample::FromSample<f32>,
+    {
+        let mut frames = self.frames(sample_hz);
+        sample::slice::map_in_place(output, |f| {
+            f.zip_map(frames.next_frame(), |a, b| {
+                a.add_amp(b.to_sample::<<F::Sample as PcmSample>::Signed>())
+            })
+        });
+    }
+impl<F> PlayingSample<F>
+    where F: Frame,
+    /// Construct a new `PlayingSample` from the given note hz, velocity and the associated
+    /// `Sample` from the `Map`.
+    pub fn new(hz: pitch::Hz, vel: Velocity, sample: map::Sample<F>) -> Self {
+        Self::from_playhead_idx(0, hz, vel, sample)
+    }
+    /// Construct a new `PlayingSample` from the given note hz, velocity and the associated
+    /// `Sample` from the `Map`.
+    ///
+    /// The given `Sample`'s audio will begin playing from the given `idx`.
+    pub fn from_playhead_idx(idx: usize,
+                             hz: pitch::Hz,
+                             vel: Velocity,
+                             sample: map::Sample<F>) -> Self
+        let map::Sample { base_hz, base_vel, audio } = sample;
+        let playhead = Playhead::from_idx(idx, audio);
+        let rate_converter = sample::rate::Converter::scale_playback_hz(playhead, 1.0);
+        PlayingSample {
+            note_on_hz: hz,
+            note_on_vel: vel,
+            base_hz: base_hz,
+            base_vel: base_vel,
+            rate_converter: rate_converter,
+        }
+    }
+impl<F> Playhead<F>
+    where F: Frame,
+    /// Wrap the given `Audio` with a `Playhead` starting from 0.
+    pub fn new(audio: map::Audio<F>) -> Self {
+        Self::from_idx(0, audio)
+    }
+    /// Wrap the given `Audio` with a `Playhead` starting from the given playhead index.
+    pub fn from_idx(idx: usize, audio: map::Audio<F>) -> Self {
+        Playhead {
+            idx: idx,
+            audio: audio,
+        }
+    }
+impl<F> Iterator for Playhead<F>
+    where F: Frame,
+    type Item = F;
+    #[inline]
+    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+        let idx = self.idx;
+        self.idx += 1;
+|&f| f)
+    }
+impl<'a, F, NF> Frames<'a, F, NF>
+    where F: Frame,
+          F::Sample: sample::Duplex<f64>,
+          <F::Sample as PcmSample>::Float: sample::FromSample<f32>,
+          NF: instrument::NoteFreq,
+    /// Yields the next audio `Frame`.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn next_frame(&mut self) -> F {
+        let Frames {
+            ref mut voices,
+            ref mut instrument_frames,
+        } = *self;
+        let frame_per_voice = instrument_frames.next_frame_per_voice();
+            .zip(frame_per_voice)
+            .filter_map(|(v, amp_hz)||amp_hz| (v, amp_hz)))
+            .fold(F::equilibrium(), |frame, (voice, (amp, hz))| {
+                match *voice {
+                    None => return frame,
+                    Some(ref mut voice) => {
+                        let playback_hz_scale = hz / voice.base_hz.hz();
+                        voice.rate_converter.set_playback_hz_scale(playback_hz_scale as f64);
+                        match voice.rate_converter.next_frame() {
+                            Some(wave) => {
+                                let amp = amp * voice.base_vel;
+                                let scaled = wave.scale_amp(amp.to_sample());
+                                return frame.zip_map(scaled, |f, s| {
+                                    f.add_amp(s.to_sample::<<F::Sample as PcmSample>::Signed>())
+                                });
+                            },
+                            None => (),
+                        }
+                    },
+                }
+                // If we made it this far, the voice has finished playback of the note.
+                *voice = None;
+                frame
+            })
+impl<'a, F, NF> Iterator for Frames<'a, F, NF>
+    where F: Frame,
+          F::Sample: sample::Duplex<f64>,
+          <F::Sample as PcmSample>::Float: sample::FromSample<f32>,
+          NF: instrument::NoteFreq,
+    type Item = F;
+    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+        Some(self.next_frame())
+    }
+// pub fn fill_buffer_with_voice<NF, F>(
+//     voice: &mut instrument::Voice<NF>,
+//     output: &mut [F],
+//     sample: &map::Sample<F>,
+//     sample_hz: f64,
+//     n_channels: usize,
+//     loop_data: Option<&(instrument::unit::LoopStart, instrument::unit::LoopEnd)>,
+//     fade_data: Option<&(instrument::unit::Attack, instrument::unit::Release)>
+// ) where F: sample::Frame + sample::Duplex<f32>,
+//         NF: instrument::NoteFreq,
+// {
+//     let instrument::Voice {
+//         ref mut playhead,
+//         ref mut loop_playhead,
+//         ref mut maybe_note,
+//     } = *voice;
+//     let (attack, release) = fade_data.map_or_else(|| (0, 0), |&(a, r)| (a, r));
+//     let velocity = maybe_note.as_ref().map_or_else(|| 1.0, |&(_, _, _, velocity)| velocity);
+//     // Determine the velocity by which we will multiply each sample by normalising using the
+//     // `Sample`'s base velocity.
+//     let velocity = velocity / sample.base_vel;
+//     let base_hz = sample.base_hz.hz();
+//     let frame_ms = time::Samples(1).ms(sample_hz);
+//     for frame in output.chunks_mut(n_channels) {
+//         // Calculate the amplitude of the current frame.
+//         let wave = if maybe_note.is_some() && *loop_playhead < duration {
+//             let (note_state, hz) = maybe_note.as_mut()
+//                 .map(|&mut(note_state, _, ref mut freq, _)| {
+//                     freq.step_frame(frame_ms);
+//                     (note_state, freq.hz())
+//                 }).unwrap();
+//             let freq_multi = hz as f64 / base_hz as f64;
+//             //let wave =[*
+//         };
+//     }
+// }