extern crate find_folder; // For easily finding the assets folder. extern crate portaudio as pa; // For audio I/O extern crate pitch_calc as pitch; // To work with musical notes. extern crate sample; // To convert portaudio sample buffers to frames. extern crate sampler; use sampler::Sampler; const CHANNELS: i32 = 2; const SAMPLE_RATE: f64 = 44_100.0; const FRAMES_PER_BUFFER: u32 = 64; const THUMB_PIANO: &'static str = "thumbpiano A#3.wav"; fn main() { run().unwrap(); } fn run() -> Result<(), pa::Error> { // We'll create a sample map that maps a single sample to the entire note range. let assets = find_folder::Search::ParentsThenKids(5, 5).for_folder("assets").unwrap(); let sample = sampler::Sample::from_wav_file(assets.join(THUMB_PIANO), SAMPLE_RATE).unwrap(); let sample_map = sampler::Map::from_single_sample(sample); // Create a polyphonic sampler. let mut sampler = Sampler::poly((), sample_map).num_voices(4); // Initialise PortAudio and create an output stream. let pa = try!(pa::PortAudio::new()); let settings = try!(pa.default_output_stream_settings::(CHANNELS, SAMPLE_RATE, FRAMES_PER_BUFFER)); let callback = move |pa::OutputStreamCallbackArgs { buffer, .. }| { let buffer: &mut [[f32; CHANNELS as usize]] = sample::slice::to_frame_slice_mut(buffer).unwrap(); sample::slice::equilibrium(buffer); // If the sampler is not currently active, play a note. if !sampler.is_active() { let vel = 0.3; sampler.note_on(pitch::LetterOctave(pitch::Letter::Ash, 3).to_hz(), vel); sampler.note_on(pitch::LetterOctave(pitch::Letter::Dsh, 3).to_hz(), vel); sampler.note_on(pitch::LetterOctave(pitch::Letter::Gsh, 1).to_hz(), vel); } sampler.fill_slice(buffer, SAMPLE_RATE); pa::Continue }; let mut stream = try!(pa.open_non_blocking_stream(settings, callback)); try!(stream.start()); while let Ok(true) = stream.is_active() { std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(16)); } try!(stream.stop()); try!(stream.close()); Ok(()) }