Johann Woelper 4 سال پیش
2فایلهای تغییر یافته به همراه41 افزوده شده و 18 حذف شده
  1. 41 18
  2. BIN

+ 41 - 18

@@ -1,53 +1,76 @@
 use std::io;
 use std::fs;
-use clap::{Arg, App, SubCommand};
+use clap::{Arg, App};
+use std::path::PathBuf;
 fn main() {
-    let matches = App::new("My Super Program")
+    let matches = App::new("Partun")
     .about("Extracts zip files partially")
-         .value_name("FILE")
-         .help("only extract this file")
-         .takes_value(true))
+         .help("Only extract file containing this string")
+         .takes_value(true)
+        )
+    .arg(Arg::with_name("ignorepath")
+         .short("i")
+         .long("ignorepath")
+         .help("Extract all files to current dir, ignoring all paths")
+        )
+    .arg(Arg::with_name("random")
+         .short("r")
+         .long("random")
+         .help("Extract only a random file. This can be combined with the filter flag.")
+        )
          .help("Sets the input file to use")
-         .index(1))
+         .index(1)
+        )
     let archive = matches.value_of("ZIP").unwrap();
     let filter = matches.value_of("filter");
+    let ignorepath = matches.is_present("ignorepath");
+    let random = matches.value_of("random");
-    let fname = std::path::Path::new(archive);
-    let file = fs::File::open(&fname).unwrap();
+    let archive_path = std::path::Path::new(archive);
+    let zipfile = fs::File::open(&archive_path).unwrap();
-    let mut archive = zip::ZipArchive::new(file).unwrap();
+    let mut zip_archive = zip::ZipArchive::new(zipfile).unwrap();
-    for i in 0..archive.len() {
-        let mut file = archive.by_index(i).unwrap();
-        let outpath = file.sanitized_name();
+    for i in 0..zip_archive.len() {
+        let mut file = zip_archive.by_index(i).unwrap();
+        let mut outpath = file.sanitized_name();
+        // Make sure only filtered items pass
         if let Some(f) = filter {
             if ! {
-        {
-            let comment = file.comment();
-            if !comment.is_empty() {
-                println!("File {} comment: {}", i, comment);
+        // If ignorepath is set, turn the filename into the path
+        if ignorepath {
+            if let Some(p) = outpath.file_name() {
+                outpath = PathBuf::from(p);
+            }
+            if outpath.is_dir() {
+                continue;
+            }
+            if (&*'/') {
+                continue;
         if (&*'/') {
             println!("File {} extracted to \"{}\"", i, outpath.as_path().display());
-            fs::create_dir_all(&outpath).unwrap();
+                fs::create_dir_all(&outpath).unwrap();
         } else {
             println!("File {} extracted to \"{}\" ({} bytes)", i, outpath.as_path().display(), file.size());
             if let Some(p) = outpath.parent() {