ship.log 847 B

  1. Exporter version: 5.1.0, Blender version: 2.78 (sub 0)
  2. ========= Conversion from Blender to Babylon.js =========
  3. Scene settings used:
  4. selected layers only: false
  5. flat shading entire scene: false
  6. texture Method: LEGACY
  7. texture directory: /Users/jwoelper/Documents/lab/the_west/data/
  8. Python World class constructor completed
  9. processing begun of mesh: ship
  10. processing begun of Standard material: Material
  11. num positions : 46
  12. num normals : 46
  13. num uvs : 92
  14. num uvs2 : 0
  15. num colors : 0
  16. num indices : 96
  17. processing begun of camera (FreeCamera): Camera
  18. processing begun of light (POINT): Lamp
  19. ========= Writing of scene file started =========
  20. ========= Writing of scene file completed =========
  21. ========= end of processing =========
  22. elapsed time: 0 min, 0.0041 secs