Option "searchpath" "string shader" "$DELIGHT/shaders:/Applications/Graphics/3Delight-9.0.0/shaders:./shaders" Option "searchpath" "string texture" "./" Option "searchpath" "string display" "$DELIGHT/displays:/Applications/Graphics/3Delight-9.0.0/displays" Display "preview.tiff" "file" "rgba" Sides 2 #main quality switch, below one for good results #mid #ShadingRate 0.2 #PixelSamples 6 6 #PixelFilter "mitchell" 4 4 # hi ShadingRate 0.2 PixelSamples 8 8 PixelFilter "mitchell" 4 4 #Raytrace hider: test #Hider "raytrace" "int jitter" [0] #Hider "hidden" "depthfilter" "average" #an der commandline einfach mit -res x y angeben Format 512 512 1.0 Projection "perspective" "fov" 50 Translate 0 0 1250 # from top Rotate -180 1 0 0 # Limit maximum ray depth Option "trace" "maxdepth" [4] WorldBegin #BAKE OPTIONS Attribute "cull" "backfacing" [0] "hidden" [0] # DICE BOTH SIDES EQUALLY Attribute "dice" "rasterorient" [0] Attribute "dice" "binary" [1] Attribute "sides" "backfacetolerance" [90] # GIVE DEPTH TO SURFACES # ADJUST AFTER HUGE SCALING CHANGES Attribute "trace" "bias" [0.21] # SHADOW SHOULD BE INFLUENCED BY DISPLACEMENTS (SELFSHADOW) Attribute "trace" "displacements" 1 # Turn on raytraced shadows Attribute "visibility" "transmission" [1] Attribute "visibility" "int diffuse" [1] Attribute "visibility" "int specular" [1] Attribute "shade" "transmissionhitmode" ["primitive"] Attribute "visibility" "trace" [1] # define meshes to bake / include in lighting simulation ReadArchive "scene_all.rib" WorldEnd