import sys import os import pymel.core as pm import maya.cmds as cmds import tempfile import json import subprocess # // SETTINGS GEO_EXT = '.obj' APP_EXT = '.blend' PORT = 6006 EDITOR = '/Applications/' # shader-independent way of figuring out texture file from mat # /// UTILS def guess_diffuse_file(node): mat = [, materials=True)[0] for se in node.getShape().outputs(type='shadingEngine')] textures = [c for c in mat[0].listConnections() if c.type() =='file'] for t in textures: plugs = t.listConnections(plugs=True) if any ([ for p in plugs if 'color' in or 'diff' in]): return t.fileTextureName.get() return 'untextured' def get_blender_path(root='/Applications'): bin_location = 'Contents/MacOS/blender' for directory in os.listdir(root): full_path = os.path.join(root, directory) if os.path.isdir(full_path): if directory.endswith(''): return os.path.join(root, directory, bin_location) else: for subdir in os.listdir(full_path): if subdir.endswith(''): return os.path.join(full_path, subdir, bin_location) def this_script(): # does not work - can we get the current script's location? return os.path.join(sys.argv[0]) def replace_mesh(old, new): shading_engines = old.getShape().outputs(type='shadingEngine')[0] old_mesh = old.listRelatives(shapes=True)[0] old_mesh_name = pm.delete(old_mesh) print new new_mesh = new.listRelatives(shapes=True)[0] pm.rename(new_mesh, old_mesh_name) pm.parent(new_mesh, old, shape=True, relative=True) pm.delete(new) pm.sets(shading_engines, edit=True, forceElement=old) def load_geofile(filepath): try: imported_nodes = pm.importFile(filepath, i=True, returnNewNodes=True) # print imported_nodes relevant_nodes = [] trash = [] for node in imported_nodes: print node, 'TYPE', node.type() if node.type() == 'mesh' or node.type() == 'transform': relevant_nodes.append(node) print '> append', node else: trash.append(str( # seems like a bug in pymel, materials et al must be # explicitly deleted by string name with cmds for item in trash: try: cmds.delete(item) except ValueError: pass for node in relevant_nodes: if node.getParent() is None: return node except RuntimeError: print "> unreadable:", filepath return False def open_port(number): if not cmds.commandPort(':'+str(number), q=True): cmds.commandPort('mayaCommand', name=':'+str(number), sourceType='python') def get_temp_dir(): prefix = 'm2b' base_tmp = tempfile.gettempdir() m2b_tmp = os.path.join(base_tmp, prefix) if not os.path.isdir(m2b_tmp): os.makedirs(m2b_tmp) return m2b_tmp # /// CLASSES class AtOrigin(object): def __init__(self, node): self.node = node self.matrix = pm.xform(matrix=True, query=True) def __enter__(self): print '> discard trs' mat_neutral = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] pm.xform(self.node, matrix=mat_neutral) def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): print '> restore trs' pm.xform(self.node, matrix=self.matrix) class KeepSelection(object): def __enter__(self): print '> store sel' self.selection = pm.selected() def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): print '> restore sel' class BridgedNode(object): def __init__(self, uuid): self.uuid = uuid self.node = None self.texture = None self.geofile = None self.metadatafile = None self.matrix = None self.valid = False self.blendfile = False self.updatescript = None self.ingest() def is_valid(self): print '> validating:' #print [ (key, self.__dict__[key]) for key in self.__dict__.keys()] if not any([self.__dict__[key] is None for key in self.__dict__.keys()]): print '> valid' return True else: print '> invalid' print [self.__dict__[key] for key in self.__dict__.keys()] def has_history(self): if os.path.isfile(self.geofile) and os.path.isfile(self.metadatafile) and os.path.isfile(self.blendfile): return True def ingest(self): # get scene object for node in if, uuid=True)[0] == self.uuid: self.node = node self.geofile = os.path.join(get_temp_dir(), self.uuid + GEO_EXT) self.blendfile = os.path.join(get_temp_dir(), self.uuid + APP_EXT) self.metadatafile = os.path.join(get_temp_dir(), self.uuid + '.json') self.matrix = pm.xform(matrix=True, query=True) self.texture = guess_diffuse_file(self.node) self.updatescript = this_script() def dump_metadata(self): metadata = {'obj': self.geofile, 'tex': self.texture, 'blend': self.blendfile, 'uuid': self.uuid, 'updatescript': self.updatescript, 'port': PORT } print '> metadata: ', metadata with open(self.metadatafile, 'w') as f: json.dump(metadata, f, indent=4) def dump_geo(self): print '> dumping mesh' # save position with AtOrigin(self.node): cmds.file(self.geofile, force=True, pr=1, typ="OBJexport", exportSelected=True, op="groups=0;materials=0;smoothing=0;normals=1") def edit_externally(self, path_to_app): blender_bridge_script = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'Documents', 'lab', 'm2b', '') blendfile = self.blendfile cmd = [path_to_app, '--python', blender_bridge_script, blendfile] print 'CMD', cmd subprocess.Popen(cmd) # /// CONTROLS def init(): print 'init' selection = pm.selected() if len(selection) != 1: print 'Must select one object' else: selection = selection[0] uuid =, uuid=True)[0] bn = BridgedNode(uuid) bn.ingest() if bn.is_valid(): if bn.has_history(): print '> file has history. opening source.' else: bn.dump_geo() bn.dump_metadata() else: bn.dump_geo() bn.dump_metadata() open_port(6006) bn.edit_externally(get_blender_path()) def update(uuid): print '> running on', uuid bn = BridgedNode(uuid) bn.ingest() if bn.is_valid(): with KeepSelection(): print 'GEO', bn.geofile imported_node = load_geofile(bn.geofile) replace_mesh(bn.node, imported_node) else: print '> UUID invalid.'